Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
The Advanced Placement curriculum is the highest-level course that a student can be enrolled in while attending high school. Based on the curriculum outlined by the College Board, students are prepared to take the Advanced Placement test in May. AP course grades receive a higher weight (1.07), which is calculated in the student's overall GPA.
All students enrolled in an AP course are required to take the examination to complete the course requirements and receive credit. The AP exam requirement will not be waived. AP students have the choice to send the score to their attending college or not. Depending upon the score received on the test and the credit acceptance policy of the college, students may receive college credit and/or advanced standing.
There is a mandatory exam fee determined by the College Board. The exam fee is charged by the College Board and collected by Christ the King High School for invoice payment purposes. To find the most recent AP exam fee, search online for College Board AP exam fees or call the Christ the King Finance Office.
The AP program is designed to challenge students who have distinguished themselves by their interest and ability in academics. This interest and ability are manifested by the student’s willingness to learn and participate in college-level courses.
The AP courses offered at Christ the King are:
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP English
- AP U.S. Government/Politics
- AP U.S. History
- AP World History
To successfully complete the courses and meet the rigorous academic challenges, it will be necessary for the student to:
- Read and study at a university level
- Complete required summer assignments in a timely manner
- Complete all projects and class assignments
- Maintain a high rate of attendance
- Take the Advanced Placement examination
- Participate in a variety of classroom activities or programs beyond the normal school day.